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10 safety guarantees for DIESEL forklift maintenance operations-SAFER

10 safety guarantees for forklift maintenance operations

1. Be sure to pay attention to safety when jacking up the forklift. Please use a jack or a stop. Confirm the surrounding safety conditions. The rope used to lift heavy objects must have a sufficient safety factor. Before using a power tool to remove parts, make sure the bolts, nuts, tubes, and harness are completely separated.

2. When carrying heavy items, use certain equipment or tools and do not move them by hand.

3. When servicing hydraulic systems and other dust-proof components, use clean tools and clean them in a clean, dust-proof area.
4. Before servicing or soldering electrical system components, be sure to remove the leads from the battery terminals. (First remove the negative terminal and then remove the positive terminal.)

5. Take care to prevent oil, gas and flammable materials from entering the work area.

6. Organize the disassembled parts and tools. A warning sign is hung on the engine or joystick during maintenance.

7. It is not allowed to disassemble parts during engine operation.

8. Do not stand under the fork or fork. The forklift is used to block the equipment and the fork frame during maintenance.

9. The maintenance tools are placed in order, checked regularly, and used correctly.

10 In a poorly ventilated room (workshop), the engine should not be operated for a long time.

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